Thursday, January 26, 2012

50 Daze until the 104th Best Ever St. Pat's

I'm SOOOO excited! My most favorite holiday is coming up soon!  I know I've been slacking (with the holiday craziness and work deadlines) on the DIY front, but get ready for some GREEN activites around here.

St. Pat's is a big thing around our household.  Hubby and I both went to school at Missouri S&T where students get days off school to celebrate the tradition of St. Pat's. St. Patrick is the patron saint of Engineers, the school's career focus.  This year, 2012, is the 104th Best Ever.  Things down there get a bit crazy.  They paint the streets green; have a huge parade; students participate in a week-long competition of games and challenges; students carve walking stick, cudgel, and shillelagh (the bigger the better); and celebrate with those individuals special enough to be on court. The day after the festivities end, the countdown begins for the next year.

I won't get into much more detail of their events because there are so many traditions that have come from years of celebration. Feel. free to ask me questions in the comments though and I'll be happy to answer them.

One more thing before I go, down in Rolla, MO they celebrate for 10 daze.  Yup, 240 hours of shenanigans. Man, I miss those days.

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