Friday, January 1, 2010

Holidays: Happy New Year!!!

Happy New Year!!! Yay for 2010!!!

I'm so glad 2010 is here. This year I have decided that instead of making resolutions I will set goals. Resolutions are typically forgotten by the end of February and usually are something that should be incorporated into our daily routine such as quit smoking, lose weight, or eat healtier. Plus, they tend to be extremely vague.

Goals are something I get to reach for. And although they may be similar to resoultions, I'm setting myself up to succeed instead of fail.

This year my goals include:

Workout at least 3x a week

Start attending a workout class at the Y

Eat foods that are lower in fat

Get involved with an organization such as ZTA Alumnae, collegiate ZTA cahpter, and/or Missouri S&T Alumni

Find a church and attend it every Sunday.

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